September 15, 2021

Does your child ever have tantrums?

Tantrums are a stress response involving the "lizard" brain. The amygdala (emotions), and they hypothalamus (heart rate, temperature). Adults have similar responses, but our developed pre-frontal cortex helps us to regulate our reactions (most of the time).
September 10, 2021

Words That Support and Encourage Students

For this Edutopia article, Stephen Merrill checked with a number of highly proficient teachers and collected seven comments they use to empower students and create a supportive classroom environment.
September 5, 2021

Social media, smartphones and our kids’ wellbeing

In a well-researched and well-linked opinion piece from NYT, Jonathan Haidt, a social psychologist from NYU Stern School of Business (who I had the pleasure to hear at an NAIS conference a while back) and Jean M. Twenge..
September 1, 2021

How to create joy in our environment

As I watched our students joyfully and tirelessly playing with the bubbles emitted by a bubble machine on Saturday in our pumpkin festival, I remembered this TED talk about joy.